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What we do

We Care for Children from South African Families

Early Childhood Development

Our courses offer basic, practical training for people from disadvantaged backgrounds and teaching:
0-3-year-old children through our Childminders Course.
4-6-year-old children through our Edu-care Course.
250 adults annually participate in PHAKAMISA’s Educare training courses resulting in 10,000 pre-school children receiving a good education.

Our Sponsors

Wandering Teachers

PHAKAMISA employs three ‘Wandering Teachers’ who provide a free education to children living in informal settlements.

Children living in abject poverty receive a quality pre-school education in make-do surroundings. Nomalanga, Thandi and Nonhlanhla are our teachers providing for these children.

Caregiver Programme

We provide support,training and resources for mainly elderly women who care for and support children who are orphaned and vulnerable through HIV/AIDS.

Our workshops provide life sustaining skills;(vegetable gardening, beadwork, cooking, parenting,literacy,) spiritual and emotional support.


Our confidential HIV/AIDS support group meets twice a month to celebrate life, living it positively.

We promote a healthy lifestyle with education on HIV matters, counselling, social interaction and life skills.


Building a Better Future